CIL M5 - Cultural diversity, interculturality, multiculturalism


Competence/Skill:Provide culturally-relevant instruction

The information literate educator will identify the role of culture in the information-seeking process

Target group

Educators & Librarians

Teaching Method

Interactive learning
Gamification for learning

 Assessment Method



1. Understand the concept and differences between cultural diversity, interculturality and multiculturalism to effectively appy relevant actions. 
1.1.Encourage to go beyond traditional criteria for evaluating information and to examine it from diverse social and cultural perspectives in order to arrive at an astute and nuanced assessment of its value.

2. Respect otherness as a value of the human being.
2.1. Differentiate critical literacy from critical thinking, noting that the former focuses on power structures whereas the latter focuses on reasoning and thinking.

3. Design educational programming accessible for immigrant populations.
3.1. Support refugee and migrant communities to access information

Last modified: Friday, 13 January 2023, 2:39 PM