CIL M2- Misinformation, fake news and algorithmic bias


Competence/Skill: Apply critical approaches to information

Target group

Educators & Librarians

Teaching Method

Interactive learning
Gamification for learning

 Assessment Method



1.Build principles and instruments to evaluate the content of the messages, notices and etc. (or just informations), by information literacy statements, to avoid fake news.
1.1. Understand that this literacy prepares people to critically analyze information and allows them to distinguish false information, misleading information, misinformation, disinformation.
1.2 Seek reliable sources and use them to produce new information in a creative and contextualized way.
2.Teach existing tools to detect harmful or false content.
2.1 Acknowledge that CIL is a consistent tool to resist fake news and misinformation.
2.2 Know how to differentiate between fake news and the consequences of producing fake news.
3.Know the operation of algorithms on the web, which skew the retrieval of information and strengthen prejudices.
3.1 Understand what algorithms do when they are used in search engines, and the importance of how news and information are sourced in the digital online world.
Última modificación: viernes, 13 de enero de 2023, 14:38