CIL M1 - Apply critical approaches to information


Critical Information Literacy

Target group

Educators & Librarians

Teaching Method

Interactive learning

Social media learning

Assessment Method



1. Describe CIL key definitions.
1.1.Recognize CIL in-depth definitions/concepts such as “Critical Literacy”, “Critical Information Literacy”, “Education”, “Social justice”, “Economic justice”.

2. Identify the benefits of developing CIL key skills.
2.1.Identify skills and competencies that trainees need to be competent in CIL.
3. Relate CIL key skills to various scientific subjects.
3.1. Identify current trends in CIL.
4.  Estimate when and how technology must be used so that it is effective in achieving the intended goals.
4.1. Understand the challenges presented by information systems.
4.2. Train the trainees on how to integrate CIL concepts into their curriculum
Last modified: Friday, 13 January 2023, 2:37 PM