CIL M3 - Ethical and socially responsible behavior


Competence/Skill: Engage with the social and political dimensions of information

Target group

Educators & Librarians

Teaching Method

Interactive learning
Gamification for learning

 Assessment Method



1. Analyze the social and political characteristics, understanding that information production and dissemination takes place in a social and political environment.

1.1. Critique the concept of information neutrality.

2. Perceive and record the ethical codes that the Web has generated for its beneficial use.

2.1. Recognize the value of human networks in accessing information.

3. Evaluate the Web as a natural space for activism, actions of information professionals, and their policies.

3.1.  Assume that the distribution of information can be politically motivated.

4. Apply respectful instruments with the ethical use of information and its contents to avoid fraudulent use, of intellectual property, copyright, and plagiarism.

4.1. Responsible digital citizenship in terms of social, digital networks.

5. Know the new professions that the EU contemplates, with a direct projection on information professionals, analyzing their competencies and spaces for action.

5.1. Demonstrate facility in navigating systems of information to meet information needs.

5.2. Discern when information no longer has value.

Last modified: Friday, 13 January 2023, 2:38 PM