DL M1- Activities
Data Literacy
Activity 1
Watch the videos and then answer the quiz.
Data Pop Alliance (Oct. 2015). What is Data Literacy? [Video]
Morrow, J. (3 Jun 2019) Why everyone should data literate? [Video] ;
MacInnes, J. (4 May 2012) Primary data versus secondary data [Video]
Activity 2
Read this article Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics: A Data Literacy Primerhttps://eavi.eu/lies-damned-lies-statistics-data-literacy-primer/.Then, they will be asked to search
for a similar example in the wrong use of data and write a message explaining it with the hashtag
#Dataliteracy and #educability
Last modified: Friday, 13 January 2023, 3:21 PM