M5- Data Literacy: connecting to multiliteracies ( Visual Literacy...)


The Data literacy educator will teach how to connect Data Literacy perspective to key literacy skills that are crucial to understand information nowadays. Particular focus will be placed on the need to orient multi-literacy, particularly visual literacy, to different socio-cultural contexts.

Target group

Educators & Librarians

Teaching Method

Interactive learning

Skills and competencies, you will gain

1.Understand that Data literacy is an essential competence for Data citizenship
1.1 Conceptualizing critical data literacies.
1.2 Obtain awareness about powerful aspects of data.

2.Connect Data literacy and Data field literacies in connection to multiliteracies
2.1 Identify skills and competencies from multiliteracies to apply in current Data Literacy conceptualization.

3.Recognize the importance of Visual Literacy for Data visualization
3.1 Use visualization to promote Data literacy. From datasets to design visual informative products
3.2 Learn about narratives, and the concept of storytelling to understand them
3.3 Use storytelling to communicate data
3.4 Sharpen visualization techniques to apply in Data qualitative data.

Last modified: Monday, 2 January 2023, 10:28 AM